Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lowe, "Immigrant Acts"

Hey everyone,

So since we didn't get to finish summarizing the article today, I just wanted to open up a forum where we can ask questions and think about it together in terms of the article. Please feel free to post a reply if there are sections where you aren't sure what Lowe's getting at, ideas that you're struggling with, or questions that you have upon reflecting on Lowe's argument.

When asking a question, be sure to include a few sentences about what you think Lowe's arguing. That way, we all can get a sense of your train of thought and consider the direction you think Lowe's taking.

My favorite part about reading cultural theory like Lowe's "Immigrant Acts" is that once you wrestle with the ideas and get a better sense of what the writer is arguing, the ideas really begin to stick - you'll probably get a few topics in your head that you'll want to pursue for your final paper.

- D

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