Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I came across this article about '21' (i think its Hollywood's current #1 box office hit)
Briefly summarizing the article: its about outrage in the Asian American community for what they feel is discrimination in casting white actors, with the exception of two Asian American supporting actors, in a movie based on a real poker team that was formed in MIT, which consisted of all Asians.  The article makes a really good point in saying that it isn't just about discriminatory casting but about the fact that it changes real life situations (this reminded me of Frank Chin) because it was the fact that the team was Asian that they were able to pull this off.  
Anyways, i encourage you guys all to read it- I'm really glad that the Asian American community is strongly voicing its opinions about this



Unknown said...

oops, that was the link to it

Alicia Jovais said...

This is such an interesting topic. I saw the movie, and I remember having read somewhere that the group of students on whom the movie is based were all Asian American. While the two main characters (Kate Bosworth and Jim Sturgess) are not Asian, there are two Asians in the group that goes to Las Vegas from MIT. However, these two (one guy and one girl) REALLY take the backseat in the film...