Thursday, May 8, 2008

three poems about my mom ...

... because i'm never satisfied with my poetry and want to make up for lengths. and because no one comments on my youtube posts and i doubt anyone's seen it, click here to watch some kickarse asam kids i know spit good spoken word ...


the silence between us pierces my heart
frustrated tears leave my eyes blurried
i force a quick breath but pain restarts
and time leaves this space in a hurry

we exit the car, startled and doors ajar
slouching love into an embrace
heaving sighs signal relief isn't far
but how to relieve the numbness in my face

God and money are killing this love
slowly recognition appears in her eyes
a silly smile spreads across the lips of
my mother, and she pushes the tears aside

she says, it must be blatant but now i see
you, my daughter, really love me


cold nips at bruised bones
stinging reminders of the past
arduous years away from home
maybe she forgot to look back

stillness shivers throughout the room
embraced by metal warmth
reclined and hidden from the moon
her heart’s a weak star in the dark
mother (sonnet).

nightmares slap her awake
to the sunrise smudging shadowed skies
removing dreams from drowsy eyes.
with her first thought she doesn't hesitate
to pray to God to keep her safe
as gravity pulls her to her feet
adrenaline agitates her arteries
to the beginning of another dazed day.

no bargains could add an hour of sleep
she won't eat food if there is no time
although she's an hour early to work.
half awake she rushes to the driver's seat
speeds off with morning chill still on her spine
to the morning service at the farthest church.

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